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  1. Jagex has recently intensified its efforts to shut down a broad array of Discord-based services that offer botting, gold selling, and account-related services. By flagging these services as fraudulent, Jagex has reported numerous accounts and their associated Discord servers for direct banning, as they allowed users to join, create tickets, and access prohibited services. This sweeping action impacts notable services like Peng GP, Eternal Accounts, Aloes, Skilled Services, Expos Services, Ross Services, Bot Supply, Slashservice, TriSmoke Boosting, MrPvM (MyPvM), OurPvM, Cozy, ArgenGaming Accounts, Machine, Onyx, Sedra, OSRS Services, Injure, petboost, Lava, Bakkar, Runeservices, Searchy, Cheapgp, QBD, EternalFarm, Grant, Gaboservices, Venezuela United Hit, VeryRare Services, Secnx Gold, MMOGoldHut, Gielinor Genie Services, Wildy Beast Services, rprogp, Pink CLAY, Samurai Gold, Inferno Tips and Tricks, Alex’s Name Shop, 41 N&M's Name Shop, RSAccountsFarm's Account Shop, Stamina RS, Mighty Force, 45 Chicks Services, Sire Emporium, Smite Services, and argengold. Background on Jagex's Enforcement Strategy Historically, Jagex has focused on taking down websites linked to RSPS and third-party trading, primarily through legal channels like UDRP complaints. However, as Discord has become a hub for these services, Jagex’s recent actions represent a shift towards reporting individual accounts and servers, leveraging Discord’s policies to curb activities that violate RuneScape’s Terms of Service. By targeting Discord servers that facilitate botting and real-world trading, Jagex is effectively dismantling the infrastructure supporting in-game economic manipulation, disrupting key players in the market. Could RSPS-Based Servers Be Jagex’s Next Target? With Jagex’s recent actions targeting Discord servers that facilitate RuneScape botting, gold selling, and account trading, the RSPS community is left wondering if RSPS-related Discord servers might be next on the list. These servers, often used to manage private servers, communicate with players, and foster community, could potentially be in breach of Discord’s terms, making them vulnerable to similar enforcement actions. Discord’s policies explicitly prohibit activities involving fraud, spam, and harmful or illegal content, as well as the use of the platform to facilitate activities that violate the terms of other games or services. Many RSPS servers provide channels and resources that might indirectly or directly encourage rule-breaking in RuneScape, such as botting guides, third-party client promotions, and trading channels. While RSPS-related servers don’t directly engage in fraud, they may still be on Jagex's radar due to their connections to third-party services that infringe on RuneScape’s Terms of Service. By reporting these servers as violating community guidelines, Jagex could theoretically pressure Discord to take down RSPS-related communities as well. Potential Future Target: RSPS Toplists? This aggressive enforcement has sparked a debate within the RSPS community: could Jagex’s campaign soon expand to include RSPS-related websites, specifically toplists? Toplists are critical to RSPS visibility, allowing private servers to attract players and grow their communities. If Jagex were to extend its crackdown to toplists, it would represent a significant shift, potentially impacting the very foundations of the RSPS ecosystem. For RSPS owners, toplist operators, and the broader community, these actions serve as a reminder of the growing challenges they may face. Could RSPS toplists indeed be the next target in Jagex’s push for control? As the scope of Jagex's enforcement continues to expand, staying informed and prepared could be key to navigating the path forward.
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